Food is Thought

Forgive me, as this is my first blog post. I’m not exactly certain how often I plan to write, but I feel a certain desire to do so, so I will!

There is a classic saying, “Food for Thought,” which Merriam-Webster defines as “something that should be thought about or considered carefully.” This phrase has always fascinated me, partly because I love food, but also because it suggests that thought is nourishing, and worth taking the time to experience, consider, and digest. It beautifully conveys the interaction and importance of food within the human experience, while also serving as a metaphor for inspiration, contemplation, and creativity.

More and more it feels modern dining culture does not seem to view food as worth thought. We live in an age of hyper-convenience and ultra-processed foods, we live in an age where a meal can be purchased without interacting with another human being and consumed while staring into our phones, scrolling through emails, or social media.

Food has always been integral to human survival and social interaction. But in today’s world, where we no longer need to hunt or gather our food, its majesty and significance in daily life are beginning to erode.

At its core, food is a platform for social gatherings, sharing and experiencing new flavors, and sparking or driving conversations. It connects us to the past, to other cultures, and acts as a bridge from one person to the next.

Food is the edible history of human existence, a palate for telling stories both remembered and forgotten, food is the work andculmination of countless lives, resulting in a momentary experience for us to enjoy together.

We should not and cannot allow the thought and everyday significance to be removed from food.

So, where do I want this blog to start? I envision this as a platform to discuss ingredients, dishes, cultures, people, and the history and philosophy of food—what it has been, what it continues to be, and what it can be for future generations.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Let's savor it, together… Just some food for thought.


Weather Proofed Eating